Missionary Families of Christ

After the Wedding

August 2020 Young Couples Date Night Topic
Young couples date night topics


What things that you do while dating that you want to do now a sa married couple?


Read: Galatians 6:9

“Let us not get tired of doing good, for in due time we shall reap our harvest, if we do not give up”

Too many couples view the wedding as the finish line of their relationship. They wok and work to make it to their wedding day, and then they sit back and wait for “happily ever after” to begin.

That is not how marriage works. If doing nothing is your strategy for keeping love alive in your relationship, you are in trouble. It is like the Christian who sees salvation as the final step in the journey. Once that is done, he thinks he can coast spiritually for the rest of his life. But that is hardly biblical. In the verse above, the apostle Paul encourages us to persist in service and good deeds. We need to keep working on our relationship with God, and we also need to keep working on our marriage. Remember, the wedding is the first step, not the final one. To make your relationship work over the long haul, you need to invest the same kind of time, energy, and effort after the wedding as you invested when you were dating.

What were some of the things you did when you were dating? Did you give gifts? Did you try to arrive on time? Did you go to nice restaurants? Did you speak to each other kindly? Did you open the car door for her? Did you wash her car? Maybe its time to start putting more effort in our marriage and not just to take it for granted.

(excerpt from “The One Year Love Language Minute Devotional” by Gary Chapman)


For discussion, answer the following question/s:

  1. What are the things that you can do today to keep the fire of love alive and burning in your marriage?
  2. In what area of your marriage do you think you need to put an extra effort to make our marriage life giving?

Go Forth

Make a list of things that you would love your spouse to do for you and affirm each other of your love for one another.

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