On the Triune God (Part 13) – Three Persons in One God

From the Servant General featured image


(Part 13)


May 25, 2020

Today’s reading:  Acts 19:1-8

God raised a people, the Israelites, and taught them that He and He alone was the one true God. This was in a milieu where peoples worshiped many gods. So that by itself was already very radical.

Then Jesus came on the scene and in so many different ways claimed to be God. He said that the Father and he were one.1 He said that before Abraham came to be, “I AM,”2 which is the name God gave of Himself to Moses, that of YAHWEH, which means “I am who I am.”3 So Jesus claiming to be God was even more radical, especially in light of the Israelites already knowing there was only one God.

Then Jesus started talking of the Holy Spirit. He said it was better for him to go so that the Advocate would be sent.4 Jesus had been conceived by the Holy Spirit,5 had the Spirit descend upon him as a dove during his baptism,6 and was poured out on the disciples on Pentecost.7 It was the Holy Spirit who would lead the disciples to all truth and teach them,8 and who would empower them for worldwide mission.9 In fact, Jesus said that one who speaks against him can be forgiven but speaking against the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven.10 The Holy Spirit also is God.

Thus the reality of the Trinity came to be realized. There is one God but three Persons. This is radical and mysterious. But in fact it has been eternally true. Even from the very beginning, God created the heavens and the earth,11 but Jesus, the Word of God, who was still to be born as man, was there from the beginning with God in creation.12 In turn, the Spirit, depicted as a mighty wind,13 swept over the waters at creation.14 And finally, all three would be there in the end of time. There would be the living water (the Spirit) flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb (the Son).15

The authentic Christian is the one who believes in the Trinity. There are others, claiming to be Christian, who believe only in the one Person of God (the Father), but deny that Jesus is God. John condemns them as liars and antichrists.16 Such so-called Christian groups are actually cults. Examples are the Iglesia ni Cristo, the Kingdom of Jesus Christ (Quiboloy), Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons), Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc. Note that most would use the name of Jesus, but not consider him God.

And so it was that Paul encountered some disciples in Ephesus. When asked if they received the Holy Spirit when they became believers, they answered, “We have never even heard that there is a holy Spirit.” (v.2). They became believers in God “with the baptism of John” (v.3), which was “a baptism of repentance” (v.4a). But John told them “to believe in the one who was to come after him, that is, in Jesus.” (v.4b). Then “when Paul laid his hands on them, the holy Spirit came upon them” (v.6a). Now they were in the fullness of God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

But how many Christians today look to a God but not actually to a Triune God? Many do not know Jesus nor have a personal relationship with him. And many do not know the Holy Spirit and the importance of the Spirit’s work in their lives. But we must know God as Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier. Only then can we truly begin to live the fullness of the authentic Christian life.

And only then can we speak “boldly with persuasive arguments about the kingdom of God.” (v.8). God created the whole world and dominion belongs to Him alone. Jesus is the one and only Savior of the world. The Holy Spirit empowers us to proclaim that good news to the ends of the earth.

1  John 10:30.

2 John 8:58. It was clear to the Jews who heard it that Jesus was claiming to be God, from their reaction of picking up stones to throw at him, to kill him for blasphemy.2 John 8:58. It was clear to the Jews who heard it that Jesus was claiming to be God, from their reaction of picking up stones to throw at him, to kill him for blasphemy.

3 Exodus 3:14.

4 John 16:7.

5 Matthew 1:18,20.

5 Matthew 1:18,20.

6 Matthew 3:16. The Triune God was also manifest during the baptism of Jesus, when the Father spoke from the heavens and said “This is my beloved Son,” and the Spirit descended on Jesus like a dove.

7 Acts 2:3-4.

8 John 14:17,26.

9 Acts 1:8.

10 This is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. See Matthew 12:31-32.

11 Genesis 1:1.

12 John 1:1-3.

13 Acts 2:2.

14 Genesis 1:2.

15 Revelation 22:1.

16 1 John 2:22-23.


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