(Part 100)
April 30, 2021
Today’s gospel:
John 14:1-6
Jesus says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (v.6). Understanding this reality is what can help us make it to heaven, which is what God wants to happen and which is the very reason why Jesus came into the world. “In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?” (v.2).
Unfortunately in our Church today there are modernist voices that obscure the reality of what Jesus is telling us. There is confusion. And it may be that we will ask, “Master, we do not know where you are going; how can we know the way?” (v.5). We can know the way as we are able to see through the deceptions inherent in modernist thinking. Let us see how such is contrary to what Jesus says of himself.
First, Jesus is the way, the only way, to the Father and thus to eternal life. Modernists say otherwise.
- That all religions are willed by God and are ways to the divine.
- That Catholics should not proselytize, that is, make converts.
- That the way forward is a New World Order, under one-world governance, in effect taking on values and principles of Freemasonry.
Second, Jesus is the truth. Modernists in different ways say otherwise. They overturn the truth, and in fact turn it topsy-turvy, with the good now bad and the bad now good.
- That abortion is healthcare.
- That homosexuality is just an alternative lifestyle and is acceptable, that it is not intrinsically disordered.
- That God made homosexuals that way.
- That the Church can and should bless same-sex unions.
- That men can become women and vice versa.
- That abortion is not the pre-eminent pro-life issue, but is just one of the many issues such as immigration and climate change.
- That a rabidly pro-abortion public figure can receive Holy Communion.
- That cohabitation with fidelity has the grace of real marriage.
- That there is no hell.
Third, Jesus is the life. Fullness of life is in Jesus, both here and especially in the hereafter. But modernists look more to life here and look to the material and emotional well-being of man, in the process oftentimes neglecting morality and righteousness. This of course endangers one’s access to heaven.
- That we should just accept, embrace and accompany sinners without talking of their sin, because it is offensive. This is false mercy and causes a sinner to be comfortable in his sin. Eternal life is endangered.
- That we should look to the international brotherhood of all as the way to unity and peace. This does not conform to true spirituality because true brotherhood is only in Christ.
- That we should look to Mother Earth who gives us life. While stewardship of the environment is of crucial importance, it should not lead to climate change alarmism or to worship of Mother Earth figures such as the Pachamama.
Jesus wants us all to be with him in heaven. “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be.” (v.3). This can only happen as we look to Jesus as the way and the truth and the life.