A Time of Transition (Part 15), – The Hermit of Antipolo

From the Servant General featured image


(Part 15)


Feast of St Mark the Evangelist
April 25, 2022

Mark recorded the final words of Jesus before his ascension. Jesus said, “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned.” (Mk 16:15-16). These words of Jesus are our marching orders. As the gospel is the good news of salvation in Jesus, we are to proclaim Christ.

This is all the more urgent today given the great darkness and evil that is upon the whole world. There is an unrelenting assault on Jesus who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. This assault directly affects us all.

  • The Way – Many have lost their way. Many Catholics are lapsed in their faith. Others have simply left the faith or the one true Church. This situation is aggravated by modernist teachers and pastors who confuse and mislead the faithful.
  • The Truth – Pilate had said to Jesus before, “What is truth?” Today we ask the same question. We no longer know what is true. Media lie all the time. The powers-that-be lie. Even scientists, teachers and various experts can no longer be relied on, as they have diametrically opposed views with each other on world situations.
  • The Life – The culture of DEATH is the prevailing culture of this age.

Many Christians today lack knowledge and formation. This is tragic. As Hosea said, “My people are ruined for lack of knowledge!” (Ho 4:6a). And many Church pastors have failed them.

For our part, we do have solid teaching and formation, most of which are Bible-based. But there is so much more to learn. We need to provide access to more material and reach more people, beyond our current evangelistic circles.

In this regard, I have set up a new website, The Hermit of Antipolo (thehermitofantipolo.com). The primary goal is to proclaim Christ. There are 3 supporting goals:

  1. to stand in defense of the authentic faith (more specifically, speak up against modernism and abuses in our Catholic Church); 
  2. to inform God’s people about fast-moving developments on faith matters in the Church and in the world; and 
  3. to provide free resource material (Bible-based formation) for use by anyone.

I will be looking at the world and the Church through the lens of faith, family and life. And right now, I warn you that your own views and positions might be challenged. For example:

  • Who do you consider to be evil—Vladimir Putin or George Soros? It would be that mad murderer of children in Ukraine, right? Perhaps. But looking at the larger picture, might there be an insidious person behind the scenes manipulating world events, with Ukrainians the unfortunate victims in this case?
  • You would most probably be vaxxed. But might you be aware of the many narratives regarding the COVID pandemic, which goes beyond just a disease to a mind-boggling conspiracy to impose totalitarian control over the peoples of the world?
  • We all love Pope Francis, right? But is he leading us down a path that is antithetical to the authentic Church and her teachings?

Some will not like what I say, including clerics and prelates. But things need to be said, for the sake of the life and mission of our Catholic Church. I have no intent but to serve Christ and to proclaim his truth.

I have served our Lord Jesus for over 40 years. By the grace of God I have never veered away from the truth and I have not been tinged by scandals (except for calumnies that come from those who oppose Christ and his work). I have no intent of veering away now.

I want to keep you fit for the fight as is fitting to your call as holy warriors. You must know the truth. You must focus on essentials. You must defend the faith.

If need be, you can engage me in conversation. If things are unclear, ask me and I will try to clarify. I am just an email away. We all seek the Truth, so that we will know the Way, and so we will live the authentic Life of Jesus.

Continue with the life and mission of MFC and LCSC. And may the grace of God and the strength of the Spirit empower you to proclaim the gospel to every creature. God bless you all.

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