MFC Community Prayer 2023


Almighty Father, we are grateful for your faithfulness and for bringing us to holiness. Grant us the grace to follow your divine will, to always be watchful and to stand firm in faith.

Lord Jesus Christ, we are saved because of your authentic love through your passion, death, and resurrection. May we respond and imitate your sacrificial love, which is the reason why we serve and do everything in love as we reach out to our families, community, and to our church.

Holy Spirit, we are prompted by your power to move forward in our life and mission. Breathe in us and set our hearts on fire to be courageous and strong in evangelization and mission. Stir in us our missionary zeal as we respond to the call of New Evangelization. Strengthen us to be Holy warriors who will constantly promote and defend faith, family, and life done with love.

Our dear Mother Mary, keep us in your loving embrace as you bring us closer to your Son. We look upon you as the most obedient to the Father’s will and most faithful to your Son, help us to do the same in all circumstances of our lives. We serve in your army and we claim Christ’s victory – firm in faith, founded on love. Amen.


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