ANNOUNCEMENT OF NEW BOOK: Modernism in the Church Today



June 11, 2024

Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

     We today live in extremely challenging times, not only because of the onslaught of darkness and evil upon the world, but also because the smoke of Satan has entered the Church. There is great apostasy among the faithful, but also, pastors, including hierarchs, have been issuing modernist and heretical teachings. There is much confusion, and souls continue to be lost.

     Our Mother Mary warned us several decades ago. We have the apparitions that have pointed to a severe crisis in the Church, including at the very top. Mary spoke at La Salette (France), Fatima (Portugal), Garabandal (Spain), Akita (Japan). She told of the rise of a false church in the end times, and Rome as the seat of the antichrist.

     We have been forewarned, by no less than our Mother Mary, who is co-Redemptrix. She has been deeply engaged in the spiritual war that rages in the heavens and on earth.

     But many Catholics are unaware. And many easily fall prey to modernist teachings. Their very souls are endangered.

     I have written a new book, Modernism in the Church Today. It exposes many modernist teachings today, in light of scripture. It is unfortunate that many lay Catholics do not know the Bible. If they did, they can readily recognize the falsehoods in modernist thought, with are contradictory to that of Christ and the apostles.

     What is modernism?[1] It is adapting the beliefs and teachings of Christ and of his Church to the culture of the age. It is modernizing that which is traditional and radically changing what has always been accepted by the Church. It is seeking a new alignment with the experience and values of modern cultural life. It is about looking to the city of man rather than the city of God, to the human rather than the divine, to the mundane rather than the sacred, to the well-being of man rather than the righteousness of God.

       There are very many errors in modernist thought, and this book exposes them. Or rather, the word of God exposes their falsehoods.

       I have also placed an Appendix in the book on “Liberal Doublespeak.” It is a glossary of words, from A to Z, that liberals and modernists use, with meaning contrary to authentic faith.

       Many Catholics are being led astray. Many no longer hear the authentic gospel of salvation in Jesus. Many are even made comfortable in their sinful states. The Church is in a dire situation, and souls are being lost.

       It is essential that we recognize the deceptions of the enemy. It is crucial that we know the word of God, which gives us light and guidance. We must oppose and speak out against the modernists in our midst. We must rise in defense of Christ and his Church.

       Pope Benedict XVI had said: The barque of Peter is capsizing. But it is not too late. Let us plug the holes and bail out the water.

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