Modernism (Part 86) – The Need for Repentance



(Part 86)


July 16, 2024

Today’s gospel:  Matthew 11:20-24

     Jesus reproached the unrepentant towns of Chorazin and Bethsaida (v.20-22), warning of judgment more intolerable than that meted to Tyre and Sidon, which were pagan cities denounced for their wickedness. Jesus also reproached Capernaum, having a worse fate than Sodom, warning that it would “go down to the netherworld.” (v.23-24).

     What is the point? It is the importance of repentance. Whatever evil one does, if one truly repents, then one is forgiven and can be saved.

      This is the problem with modernism in our Church today. Do you hear modernist hierarchs preach repentance? No!

  • Rather, they preach acceptance and embrace of sinners without talking to them of their sin, because it is offensive. If accepted and embraced by the Church, why repent?
  • They direct priestly blessing for same-sex couples, arguing falsely and deceptively that this can help strengthen them to overcome sin, when all it does is to confirm the same-sex couple’s relationship. Again my challenge: show me a same-sex couple that sought a blessing for themselves in order to get out of sin. What a farce!
  • They say everyone, including grave sinners and atheists, are part of the communion of saints. Well if so, then there is no need of repentance!
  • They say either there is no hell, or if there is, there is no one in it. Well, for many sinners, without the threat of the eternal fires of Hell, why do they need to turn away from their sin?
  • They say that when you die, you just go “poof” and disappear. Ah, so there is no eternity. So just enjoy yourself in this life, as there is nothing beyond.

     There are more heretical teachings. Fine words such as love, acceptance, equity, inclusivity, international fraternity, etc., are mouthed, but not the most basic: REPENTANCE! Modernists will lead Catholics to hell and hellfire.

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