Modernism (Part 90) – A Different Gospel



(Part 90)


October 7, 2024

Today’s reading:  Galatians 1:6-12

     Paul had preached the gospel to the Galatians, but who now were listening to those who were perverting that gospel. Much like today. Modernism has infected our Church, and many are being led astray.

     Paul says, “there are some who are disturbing you and wish to pervert the gospel of Christ.” (v.7b). Modernist look to the city of man rather than the city of God. They look to the well-being of man rather than the righteousness of God. It might be about social justice, or eco-spirituality, or being nice to one another, but not about repentance for sin and striving for holiness. Thus the sinner is accepted and welcomed, but his sin is not spoken of since it would be offensive. The gospel of Christ is about salvation of souls, not just feeling good.

     Paul says, “I am amazed that you are so quickly forsaking the one who called you by the grace of Christ for a different gospel (not that there is another).” (v.6-7a). There of course is only one gospel, the good news of salvation in Jesus. If souls are not being saved, even if people feel good, that is not the authentic gospel. Modernist teaching keeps sinners in their sin, and makes them comfortable in their sin, endangering their eternal destiny. But then they might not care, since modernists also claim that either there is no hell or if there is then no one is in it.

     Paul strongly condemns such a gospel, saying that one who preaches it “be accursed!” (v.8b). Even if “an angel from heaven should preach” it (v.8a). Indeed, even if Church hierarchs preach it. Even if the Pope preaches it! They are accursed because rather than help bring souls to heaven, they help bring people to damnation. Paul becomes emphatic, given the gravity of such false preaching, saying what he has reiterated time and again. “As we have said before, and now I say again, if anyone preaches to you a gospel other than the one that you received, let that one be accursed!” (v.9).

     Modernists cater to the well-being of man rather than the righteousness of God. Thus Paul says, “Am I now currying favor with human beings or God?” (v.10a). Modernists want to make people happy, even in their sin. Confronting the evil they do is deemed offensive. As Paul says, “Or am I seeking to please people?” (v.10b). But we should want to please Christ and not just please people. Otherwise we are not disciples but social enablers. “If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a slave of Christ.” (v.10c). Do we serve Jesus or mere man?

     Paul insists “that the gospel preached by me is not of human origin.” (v.11). The gospel of Jesus is divine. Unlike the modernist gospel, which is man-made, which conforms to the zeitgeist. We need to base our understanding of the gospel on what God has revealed, not what man says it is. So we look to what God has revealed. How? By His word in the Bible. And by the age-old teachings of the Church, including the Traditions firmly established through the ages. Modernists are overturning or perverting all these.

     Paul further says, “For I did not receive it from a human being, nor was I taught it, but it came through a revelation of Jesus Christ.” (v.12). We do not just accept what people teach, no matter how high up they are in the hierarchy, because there are now many who do not speak the full truth. We need to be discerning. For this, we need to be deeply prayerful and immersed in the scriptures. God does speak to the simple and the humble.

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