A Time of Transition (Part 3) – Our New Byline

A Time of Transition

Our byline under CFC-FFL was “Renewing the Family and Defending Life.” Our new byline under MFC will be “Defending Faith, Family and Life.”

We are engaged in intense spiritual war. The enemy is all-out in assaulting three most important aspects of our life in Christ: faith, family and life. Unfortunately, the enemy is making great advances, and all three aspects are greatly threatened. But we hardly hear anything from the authorities in our Church. The focus in parishes seems to be on maintenance rather than on mission. The concern overall seems to be on social justice issues (poverty, criminality, immigration, climate change) rather than morality and orthodoxy (sex abuse, LGBT, heterodoxy, heresy).

Our Church continues to lose Catholics by the day to the world, to sects and to cults. 99 of the 100 sheep are lost. Modernism is not just creeping in but rampaging in. The love of many has grown cold. When the Son of Man returns, will he find faith on earth?

Our Church is the one, true Church established by the Lord Jesus himself. It is founded on Rock. But the continued assaults are taking their toll on faith, family and life. As MFC, we are committed to rise in defense of our Church.

But we are not just on the defensive, but continue to be on the offensive. The best defense is a good offense. As families on mission, we are committed to the renewal of faith, family and life. We will continue, and intensify, our rapid, massive and worldwide evangelization. We will eagerly respond to the call to the New Evangelization.

Our name is who we are and what we are called to do. Our byline is our commitment to stand for what is right and just and true, and to build the Kingdom of God in our midst.

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Missionary Families of Christ

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