A Time of Transition: Devotion to Mary

A Time of Transition



(Part 7)


December 12, 2019

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe,

     Patroness of the Americas,[1]

     Protectress of the Unborn,

     Star of the New Evangelization

Today’s readings:

Zechariah 2:14-17

Judith 13:18-19

Luke 1:26-38

     Missionary Families of Christ is consecrated to Mama Mary, under the title of Our Lady of the Rosary (a.k.a. Our Lady of Victory). This is especially important since we are an evangelistic and missionary community engaged in intense spiritual warfare. As holy warriors, we look to Mary for inspiration, guidance and protection.

     We as MFC look to Mary not just because she is the Mother of God (Lk 1:31-33), not just because she is full of grace and holy (Lk 1:28), not just because she is the most effective intercessor with her Son Jesus, not just because she is the model of humility and total obedience to God (Lk 1:38), but because she is a warrior, fully engaged in the spiritual war raging in the heavens and on earth. We go forth to battle as the Army of Mary.

     Mary is prefigured in Judith, who delivered Israel from Assyria, by beheading Holofernes, the ranking general of King Nebuchadnezzar. Uzziah said to her, “Blessed are you, daughter, by the Most High God, above all the women on earth; and blessed be the Lord God, the creator of heaven and earth, who guided your blow at the head of the leader of our enemies.” (Jdt 13:18). Indeed, Mary, who with Jesus crushed the head of the serpent and who is acclaimed as blessed among women, is a warrior.

     In our work, we proclaim Christ and the salvation he won for us on the cross. Jesus is the Redeemer. And Mary is his Co-Redemptrix.

     Thus we as MFC venerate Mary. But we also look to how Mary helps us in our mission, in the war we are engaged in. And so we look to a most effective weapon she has provided, and that is the rosary. Pope Pius IX has said, “Give me an army saying the Rosary and I will conquer the world.”

     As holy warriors in MFC, we wield weapons of righteousness. Let us then take hold of this weapon from Our Lady, and pray the rosary regularly.

*   As individuals daily.

*   As couples or as families weekly.

*   At the start of our regular household meetings (the hosts lead).

*   At the start of major activities and events. 

     When we pray the rosary individually and as a family, knowing that Mary as Queen Mother to Christ the King is our most effective intercessor, let us bring specific points of intercession before each mystery.

*   1stmystery – personal intentions.

*   2ndmystery – family intentions.

*   3rdmystery – MFC intentions.

*   4thmystery – Church intentions.

*   5thmystery – Intentions for the world.

     We also need to learn more about Mary. We do not see too much of her nor hear a lot of words from her in the Bible, but she is there in the history of salvation, from start to finish. In this regard, please read the books we have on Mary.

*   Army of Mary

*   Forty Days with Mary

*   Forty More Days with Mary

*   Mary and the CFC-FFL (MFC) Core Values

*   Mary in the Work of Evangelization and Family Renewal

     We as MFC are “of Christ.” What human is closest to Jesus than his own mother? What human was there when Jesus was conceived, when Jesus grew up in the home, when Jesus fulfilled his public ministry, when Jesus suffered and died on the cross, and when the Spirit of Jesus was poured out on his disciples? Only Mary.

     We as MFC are “Families.” Jesus the Savior came by way of a family, as Mary gave her yes to God. Mary raised Jesus in the ways of God at home. And Mary was entrusted by Jesus to John, so that she has become our Mother. Like John, we as Jesus’ disciples need to take Mary into our homes.

     We as MFC are “Missionary.” Mary with her Son Jesus crushed the head of the serpent. But the dragon, angry with Mary, wages war against her offspring, those who are holy warriors. We need to be under her mantle of protection. We need to go forth under her banner. We are part of the victorious Army of Mary.

     This Christmas we once again celebrate the coming of Jesus into the world. “Sing and rejoice, daughter Zion! Now, I am coming to dwell in your midst” (Zec 2:14). But we also look forward to his second coming. In the meantime, we do our work, and help bring many more souls into his Kingdom. This work is to the ends of the earth, making disciples of all nations. “Many nations will bind themselves to the Lord on that day. They will be my people, and I will dwell in your midst.” (Zec 2:15a).

     Onward, holy warriors!

     Mary, Star of the New Evangelization, pray for us.

*     *     *

[1]Our Lady of Guadalupe is also Patroness of the Philippines, as well as other countries.


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