Our Theme for 2020 (Part 22): Destined Like John

A Time of Transition



(Part 22)


December 19, 2019

Today’s gospel:  Luke 1:5-25

     When Zechariah entered the sanctuary of the Lord in his priestly service, the angel Gabriel appeared to him. Gabriel told him, “Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall name him John.” (v.13b). He was to become John the Baptist, who prepared the way for Jesus. He was destined to “be great in the sight of the Lord” (v.15a), because he had a great task ahead of him.

     We too as Missionary Families of Christ, founded on the Rock that is Christ, are destined for greatness. We are to help prepare for the second coming of Jesus. We look at what God was doing for John and in faith must know what God is doing for us. What was John destined to be and to do?

     First, “he will be filled with the holy Spirit even from his mother’s womb” (v.15c). Divine anointing is according to the eternal plan of God. From our mother’s womb, and even before we were conceived in the womb, we were already conceived in the mind of God. We as MFC are to be “of Christ.” We are to live in him and for him. We are to serve him as our Lord and Master. We are to be filled with his Spirit in order that we might accomplish our divine task.

     Second, “he will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God. He will go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah to turn the hearts of fathers toward children” (v.16-17a). We as MFC are “Families.” We work to renew the family and to defend life. We strive to draw our children away and out from the seductive culture of the age. We raise them in the Lord. We strengthen the relationship between parents and children. We form the next generations of committed Christians.

     Third, he will bring “the disobedient to the understanding of the righteous, to prepare a people fit for the Lord.” (v.17b). We as MFC are “Missionary.” As we live Christ, we also share Christ. We look not only to our own families but to all the families in the world. We are to make disciples of the nations, bringing them to obedience to and righteousness in Christ. We are to bring back the lost sheep, and help renew and strengthen the Church of which we are a part.

     How then are we as MFC to respond?

     One, Zechariah “had seen a vision in the sanctuary.” (v.22b). We have been given our vision and our mission. Through the years it has been made clear to us who we are and what we are called to do. We must grasp the vision and focus on the vision as we go about being MFC.

     Two, Zechariah was made “speechless and unable to talk …. because (he) did not believe (Gabriel’s) words, which will be fulfilled at their proper time.” (v.20). We must believe in the vision God has given us as MFC. We must persist in pursuing our mission. We must know that God accomplishes His will at the proper time, if we remain docile to His Spirit. We must not swerve to the left or to the right, but keep on track in pursuing the vision.

     Three, Gabriel told Zechariah, “Do not be afraid” (v.13a). We as MFC must not be afraid of what is to come, even as we engage in spiritual war and can expect to be bruised and bloodied. It is a brutal fight we are in, against the powerful forces of darkness and evil in the world. We need to go forth as God’s army, relentlessly engaging the enemy. We must endure and persevere. We as holy warriors must be fearless.

     Four, in telling Zechariah that his prayer would be answered, Gabriel said to him, “And you will have joy and gladness” (v.14a). Our mission as MFC is our great privilege. Despite suffering and pain, what we will always have is joy. Joy in knowing Jesus. Joy in seeing our family intact and living in Christ. Joy at the opportunity to share Christ by proclaiming the good news of salvation in him to the whole world.

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