A Time of Transition (Part 5) – Books on Core Values

A Time of Transition



(Part 5)


November 1, 2019

We as Missionary Families of Christ (MFC) are defined by our statements of Vision and Mission, as well as our Core Values. Our Core Values describe who we are and what we are called to do in the world. They provide parameters and constant guideposts in the pursuit of our life and mission. The extent of the effectiveness of our life and mission depends a great deal on the extent to which we live out our Core Values.

To better understand who are are and what we are called to do, we have our formation programs. In addition, we have books specifically written to support our life and mission. These books have particular value as follows: 

  • These books are about key aspects of the Christian life, thus helping all to understand God’s call and attain to holiness; 
  • These books are on topics particularly relevant to our life and mission, thus helping our brethren understand who we are and what we are called to do, and in doing so, helps keep us committed to the life and mission of MFC; and
  • These books are very scripture-based, and readers end up reading and understanding very many Bible passages through the years, thus developing a stronger Biblical foundation.

All MFC members are greatly encouraged to read and study these books. This should especially be for leaders, fulltimers and mission volunteers.

Further, you are encouraged to give these books as gifts to your parish priests, nuns and lay Church leaders, on the occasion of their birthday, ordination anniversary or Christmas. Aside from being of use to them personally, these books can impress upon them our spirituality and then hopefully get them to engage with us even more. Priests and nuns need to be our partners in LCSC for parishes and dioceses.

Here are the books categorized as to Core Value.

Centered on Christ

24/7 for Jesus

A Future Full of Hope

Amazing Truths that will Change your Life                 

Blessed by the Eucharist

Called to be Saints, Martyrs and Warriors

Focused on Christ

Following Christ

Forty Days of Challenge in the Christian Life

Greatness in Christ

The Inscrutable Wisdom of God


Evangelistic and Missionary


Facing the Future

Fishers of Men

Forty Days of Wonder-Working Faith

Fulfilling the Mandate

Renewing the Face of the Earth

The Holy Spirit, the New Evangelization, and Pentecost

The Live Christ, Share Christ Movement (2ndEdition)

The New Evangelization—A Work of the Divine Family

What is New About the New Evangelization?

Witnesses to the Ends of the Earth

Focused on the Family

Families in the Holy Spirit

Families on Mission

Females are Fabulous

Females are Fabulous—the Sequel (Women Are Smarter)

Forty Days of Life

Being Community

A Covenant with God

Forty Days in the Strength of God

Forty Days of Lamentations

Forty Days with Job

ONE in Christ

Showing His Power and Majesty

Preferential Option for the Poor

Bringing Glad Tidings to the Poor

Forty Days with the Poor

Freeing the Captives

Servant Leadership

El Camino de Santiago (The Way of St James)

Forty Days to Servant Leadership

Friend or Foe? Fighting the Enemy Within

Servant Leadership

Being a Servant to the Church

Army of Mary

Forty Days with Mary

Forty More Days with Mary

Mary and the CFC-FFL Core Values

Mary in the Work of Evangelization and Family Renewal

*     *    *

All books available at the Signs and Wonder Shoppe / signsandwondersshoppe@gmail.com


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