MFC Community Theme 2020



(Part 47)


March 10, 2020

Today’s readings:

Isaiah 1:10-20

Psalm 50:8-23

Matthew 23:1-12

     To be built on Rock is to listen to and act on God’s words. But many do not listen. Many do not know. Many listen and know but do not act. Many act but wrongly. 

     Such were the Israelites that offered sacrifices and burnt offerings according to the law, recited the commandments and professed the covenant, but cast God’s words behind them (Ps 50:8,16-17). They were with thieves and adulterers, and did deceitful speech and slander (Ps 50:18-20). Then there were also the scribes and Pharisees who preached the Mosaic law but did not practice it (Mt 23:2-3).

     God rebuked them. “What do I care for the multitude of your sacrifices? Trample my courts no more! Your new moons and festivals I detest; Your hands are full of blood!” (Is 1:11a,13a,14a,15b). What does this say about God’s people today?

*   Priests who offer the sacrifice of the Mass but are into homosexual wrongdoing.

*   Catholics that enter into churches to celebrate LGBT Masses.

*   Catholics that receive Holy Communion but are for abortion.

     These are “festive convocations with wickedness” (Is 1:13d)!

     What are the consequences for such people?

*   God rejects their offerings. “To bring offerings is useless; incense is an abomination to me.” (Is 1:13b).

*   God will not listen to their prayers. “When you spread out your hands, I will close my eyes to you; though you pray the more, I will not listen.” (Is 1:15a).

     How then are we to act on God’s words? “Wash yourselves clean! Put away your misdeeds from before my eyes; cease doing evil; learn to do good. Make justice your aim: redress the wronged, hear the orphan’s plea, defend the widow.” (Is 1:16-17).

     To listen to and act on God’s words, or to not listen to or act on God’s words, will be a matter of life and death for us. It will determine whether our house stands or collapses. The choice is ours. “If you are willing, and obey, you shall eat the good things of the land; but if you refuse and resist, you shall be eaten by the sword” (Is 1:19-20a). The choice is to eat or be eaten, between blessings of prosperity or death and destruction.

     To listen to and act on God’s words brings us to where God intends for us to be.

*   God will care for us. We can fully trust in Him, especially as we face the challenges to the Christian life. “Then call on me on the day of distress; I will rescue you” (Ps 50:15a).

*   God will bring us to fullness of salvation, both here and in the hereafter. “I will let him whose way is steadfast look upon the salvation of God.” (Ps 50:23b). 

     “You have but one teacher” (Mt 23:8b) so obey him. “You have but one master, the Messiah.” (Mt 23:10b) so follow him. Be built on Rock.

*     *     *


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