MFC Theme for 2020



(Part 17)


December 13, 2019

Today’s reading:  Isaiah 48:17-19

     God’s chosen people had been in exile in Babylon. God would then use King Cyrus of Persia to overcome Babylon and free Israel from captivity, allowing them to return to their homeland. We too are like exiles living in a world that is under the dominion of the evil one. Our goal is to return to the Kingdom that is God’s. Our task is to help re-establish the Church that has been weakened by disobedience, rebellion and apostasy.

     This is our work as Missionary Families of Christ. For us to succeed, we must be firmly founded on the Rock that is Christ. Isaiah’s words then have relevance for us now.

     We are “of Christ.” “Thus says the Lord, your redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: I am the Lord, your God, teaching you how to prevail, leading you on the way you should go. If only you would attend to my commandments, your peace would be like a river, your vindication like the waves of the sea” (v.17-18). The one who builds his house on rock is the wise man who listens to and acts on the words of God, doing the will of the Father. Then there will be the rains and the floods and the winds, but his house will not collapse. In fact, the river and the waves would vindicate his actions, as his house withstands it all. Jesus teaches us and leads us on the way. As we are of Christ and belong totally to him, we obey, and we will prevail.

     We are “Families.” If we are founded on the Rock that is Christ, then God’s assurance is this: “Your descendants like the sand, the offspring of your loins like its grains, their name never cut off or blotted out from my presence.” (v.19). The blessings of God will extend to our children and our children’s children, and then on to and through the generations. As families we remain in Christ. We work for the renewal and strengthening of our families, which happens only when all are founded on Jesus.

     We are “Missionary.” We are of the world but not of it. We are holy warriors following the Holy One of Israel. We flee this world where we are exiled and bring the salvation of Jesus to every nation. “Go forth from Babylon, flee from Chaldea! With shouts of joy declare this, announce it; make it known to the ends of the earth, say: ‘The Lord has redeemed his servant Jacob.’” (v.20). We are to proclaim Christ the Redeemer and make him known everywhere in the world, starting with God’s own people who are lapsed in their faith.

     As MFC, we are to be founded on the Rock that is Christ.

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