Females Are Fabulous–the Threequel

From the Servant General featured image



Feast of Our Lady of Fatima
May 13, 2022

Very recently, the newest appointment to the US Supreme Court, Ketanji Brown Jackson, could not give the definition of what is a woman. She told the Senators questioning her, “I am not a biologist.” The Supreme Court of the USA, the greatest superpower on earth, is the place for the best and the brightest. But because of the culture of the age, the wise have become dumb. I am reminded of what Paul said, “Let no one deceive himself. If any one among you considers himself wise in this age, let him become a fool so as to become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in the eyes of God” (1 Cor 3:18-19a).

We now live in an age where progressives claim that a man can become a woman and vice versa, a man can become pregnant, men can get into women’s sports and of course devastate the competition, and men can become Homecoming Queens. This is totally perverse. It is sick. It is inane and insane. It is stupidity at its finest. But many accept it.

Welcome to the world of woke!

This sick woke world is widespread in the West, especially the USA. But it is still not that well known by many others in the world. I know of people who have not even heard of the term “woke.” And of course we are familiar with LGBT. But that innocent looking “T” is deadly. It is about transgenderism. This insane ideology is being strongly pushed by the West throughout the world. It is rampaging through the cultures. It is coming for you.

You must be aware. You must be educated. Then you must stand to resist this diabolical ideology.

The women especially must rise in defense of authentic femininity. After all, it is their safe spaces that are being invaded. But more importantly, women must once again recognize their true calling, according to the intent of God.

And so I have written this latest book.

Our theme this year is Built on Rock. It is about listening to and acting on the words of Jesus. Only then can we be like the wise man whose house, when buffeted by floods and winds, did not collapse.

Today’s psalm points us to a frightening picture of the chaos and rebellion that is in the world today. “The flood has raised up, Lord; the flood has raised up its roar; the flood has raised its pounding waves.” (Ps 93:3). Today we are pounded on all sides by the forces of evil, a roaring lion seeking to devour us. How can we stand fast? Only if “the Lord is king” can we be assured that “the world will surely stand in place, never to be moved.” (Ps 93:1).

God has given us His laws. Jesus has taught us his ways. The Holy Spirit guides us to divine truths. “Your decrees are firmly established” (Ps 93:5a). But do we know God’s ways? Are we taking on the wisdom of God? Do we understand God’s call to holiness? You might think you do, but there is so much more to learn.

In this regard, I have written this new book, “Set Apart (The Way of Holiness).”

The basic call to Christians in the world is to be holy as God is holy. Unfortunately, many Christians do not understand what this call is all about. It is not just being a good person. It is much more. To be holy is to be set apart. It is to set aside the wisdom of the world and take on the foolishness of God. As light is in contrast to darkness, as life is in contrast to death, so does one who is set apart live out godly conduct in a world of mundane postures.

  • Finding joy in sorrow.
  • Finding glory in dishonor.
  • Finding wealth in poverty.

If our house is to stand, we must be walking the path of holiness. If we are to be a house built on the Rock that is Christ, we must strive to be like Christ. Only then can our house stand, for “holiness befits your house, Lord” (Ps 93:5b).

You have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God. Understand what it means and live it out.

Females Are Fabulous
–the Threequel
(Where Have All the Women Gone?)

This book is offered as a free e-book. You may secure your copy from the website of The Hermit of Antipolo (thehermitofantipolo.com).

I have written this book to honor my God and as I look to the future of my granddaughters. You too must rise in defense of God’s work.

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