Modernism (Part 66) – Asking for a Blessing

From the Servant General featured image
(PART 66)
January 11, 2024
Today’s gospel: Mark 1:40-45

Pope Francis’ Fiducia Supplicans is about allowing blessings for those in irregular unions, including same-sex couples. It is claimed that the intent is to grant grace and strength to the homosexual couples so that they might overcome their irregular situation (the word “irregular” is itself a modernist gloss over of what is actually sin). This is a specious claim. For those who believe it, especially papal apologists, they are at the least naïve, but at the most are being deceived and being made part of false mercy.
Do you think a same-sex couple would ask for a blessing, as a couple, so that they can be helped to get out of their sin? No. Rather, they want to be affirmed in their relationship, whether they recognize it as sin or not. Otherwise, why do they have to ask for a blessing as a couple? Why not as an individual? In fact, all they need to do is go to Mass, and there at the end they will receive a priestly blessing. And what greater grace and spiritual strength could one get than with the Eucharist?
So in today’s gospel, a leper comes to Jesus begging to be made clean (v.40). He was suffering from a virulent skin disease and wanted to be cleansed. He did not come to be blessed but remaining in his sorry condition. That would have been no blessing at all. He wanted to be rid of his infirmity, and that would have been the blessing.
For a same-sex couple to seek a priestly blessing while not intending to be cleansed of their sinful situation is an exercise in futility. In fact, it is a mockery of the righteousness of God. And a priest who gives such a blessing, again to a same-sex couple, is complicit in the couple’s ongoing sin. He too would stand condemned. *      *      *

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