Modernism (Part 84) – The Need for a Physician



(Part 84)


July 5, 2024

Today’s gospel:  Matthew 9:9-13

     Jesus came for sinners, and that is why he sat at table with tax collectors and sinners (v.10). He accepted them and accompanied them. This is what modernists call for, but that is where the similarity ends. Jesus goes beyond simply accepting and accompanying, but on to calling out sin and eventual healing. Modernists stop with just acceptance and accompaniment, but do not address the sin.

     Pope Francis rightly compared the Church to a field hospital. She goes to where the sick are, which is out on the field. As Jesus says, “Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do.” (v.12). But modernists just gather the sick, clean them up and make them comfortable, but do not treat the wounds!

     This is false mercy, as sinners remain in their sins, and the wounded do not have their wounds treated. But for a hospital to be true to its calling, it should treat the wounds and help people regain fullness of health. The greatest wound is sin. What is needed are repentance and forgiveness, which are what result in true mercy. Modernists need to heed Jesus words: “Go and learn the meaning of the words, ‘I desire mercy not sacrifice.’” (v.13a).

     Jesus further says, “I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.” (v.13b). Since we are all sinners, we are among those called, even as we have already repented and turned to faith in Jesus. But it is incumbent upon us, who may be considered among the righteous, to help call sinners to repentance, and not just be nice to them.

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