Modernism (Part 87) – Jesus and the Childlike



(Part 87)


July 17, 2024

Today’s gospel:  Matthew 11:25-27

     Many Catholics, both lay and clergy, would find it scandalous, or at least unacceptable, to criticize Church hierarchs, especially the Pope. Especially by ordinary laypeople. In their minds they might think, “Who are you to criticize the Pope?!”

     But Jesus says in praise of the Father, “although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike.” (v.25). Jesus had been talking about unbelief and the lack of repentance by grave sinners. The “wise and the learned” are the scribes and Pharisees, who were the religious leaders and hierarchs in Jesus’ time. They had rejected his preaching and the significance of his mighty deeds.

     Today’s modernist hierarchs no longer speak of repentance, but continue to issue heretical teachings. They coddle grave sinners. Who will call them out, especially if it is coming from the very top? It will be the childlike, those who still trust in Jesus and strive to follow his ways, those who are not philosophically or theologically learned. In fact, this is in line with Pope Francis’ synodality, by which everyone is listened to. At the start of his pontificate, he even told people to “make a mess.”

     How do we know the Father? Only in and through Jesus, who reveals God “to anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal Him.” (v.27c). Modernists no longer preach the authentic Jesus, are overturning his teachings, and have looked to the culture of the age. They look to the well-being of humans but sacrifice the righteousness of God. They rely on their human understanding and not on divine revelation which is often mysterious. As an example, they say that the multiplication of the loaves and fish was just sharing by the people and not a miracle in the strict sense.

     So to remain childlike, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, know his teachings by studying the scriptures, live the authentic faith. Jesus will reveal the truth to you and you can recognize false teaching in the Church.

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