Modernism (Part 89) – Refuted by Scripture – 2



(Part 89)


October 6, 2024

Today’s gospel: 

Genesis 2:18-24

Psalm 128:1-6

Hebrews 2:9-11

Mark 10:2-16

     The world today is dominated by so-called liberals or progressives. The Church, including the hierarchy, is infiltrated by modernists. They look to the culture of the age, often in direct contradiction to the culture and values of authentic Christian faith. How do we recognize liberal and modernist teachings or inputs? We look to the Bible, the very word of God, the very word of truth.

     Today’s readings are rife with scripture passages that refute liberal and modernist thought.

     Liberals recognize many genders. “But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’” (Mk 10:6). Thus there are only two sexes as created by God. On the other hand, gender is a social construct, and thus can be adapted by man to the culture of the age.

     Liberals in society embrace LGBT and Church modernists bless same-sex couples. But God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable to him.” (Gen 2:18), and that suitable partner is a woman. Thus same-sex relationships are contrary to God’s order.

     Society and many Christian denominations accept divorce. But the Bible says that for a man and his wife, “the two of them become one body.” (Gen 2:24b). “Therefore what God has joined together, no human being must separate.” (Mk 10:9). Thus divorce is contrary to God’s law.

     Liberals, especially feminists, disdain the headship of the man in marriage and insist on total equality in all aspects. But God gave a special role to man, including authority over living creatures, designated by the power to name them (Gen 2:19-20). The man also named the woman built from his rib (Gen 2:22-23). Thus the man is head of the family, with his wife subordinate to him.

     Many liberals no longer look to having children in marriage, especially many children. But God’s intent is that “your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your home, your children like young olive plants around your table.” (Ps 128:3). Children are God’s blessing to a married couple. Children are the next generation of Christians. In fact, the family blessing to a man is for three generations, to “live to see your children’s children” (Ps 128:6).

     Liberals and modernists look to the well-being of man, to just being happy and content in life, even while remaining in sinful relationships. But Jesus was “crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death” (Heb 2:9a). Christians are to die to self and embrace their crosses. Thus it was fitting that God, “in bringing many children to glory, should make the leader to their salvation perfect through suffering.” (Heb 2:10).

     Modernists in the Church say that all are children of God and part of the communion of saints, including unrepentant sinners and even atheists. Indeed God “who consecrates and those who are being consecrated all have one origin.” (Heb 2:11a). But those who can be considered children of God and part of the communion of saints are those who are consecrated, that is, dedicated to a divine purpose and being made sacred.

     Even Jesus said that those he considers his mother and brothers are those who do the will of God. As such, “he is not ashamed to call them ‘brothers’” (Heb 2:11b).

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