Our Theme for 2020 – Faith in Jesus

MFC Theme for 2020



(Part 14)


December 6, 2019

Today’s readings:

Isaiah 29:17-24

Psalm 27:1,4,13-14

Matthew 9:27-31

     What does it mean to be founded on the Rock that is Christ?

     First, it is having faith in Jesus. But not just believing faith, but rather expectant faith. It is not just acknowledging Jesus as Savior and Lord, but believing that Jesus can do wonders in our lives, including miracles. This is what happened with the two blind man, who cried out to Jesus for pity, desiring to be able to see. Jesus said, “Do you believe that I can do this?” (Mt 9:28b). When they said yes, Jesus made them see.

     How are our lives in Jesus? Yes, we have accepted him, yes we are trying to live for him, but we are often disappointed, sad, tired, defeated. This is not the fault of Jesus, who wants only what is best for us. It is entirely ours, as we lack supernatural faith. Jesus says, “Let it be done for you according to your faith.” (Mt 9:29b). We believe, and it will be done for us.

     Part of having supernatural faith is enlarging our vision. We are often limited by our human expectations and experiences. But we must dream dreams. We must put on the mind of Christ. We must know that we are instruments of God intended by Him to do divine work. What can God accomplish? What does God wantto accomplish? God wants to overturn the wisdom of the world. God wants to reverse the wrongs that are happening in the world. God will make the deaf hear and the blind see (Is 29:18). God will depose the tyrant, the scoffer and the evildoer (Is 29:20). God wants to lift the shame of His people (Is 29:22).

     Second, we must not be afraid. It can indeed be a source of dread if we seriously consider what God wants us to be and to do. If we become God’s holy warriors, we will encounter a world that is antagonistic, and which will be intent on assaulting, oppressing and persecuting us. But if we are founded on Rock, then “the Lord is my light and my salvation; …. the Lord is my life’s refuge” (Ps 27:1a,c). If so, then “whom should I fear? Of whom should I be afraid?” (Ps 27:1b,d).

     We will not be afraid if we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, knowing he is our Savior, protector and provider. We will not be afraid if we seek his face, draw near to him, be with him, desire him most of all. We must be single-minded in our thirst for God and His ways. “One thing I ask of the Lord; this I seek: to dwell in the Lord’s house all the days of my life, to gaze on the Lord’s beauty, to visit his temple.” (Ps 27:4). And ultimately, we fix our gaze on heaven.

     But it will not just be dreaming of heaven, but actively working and striving on earth. We must have faith that God is acting among His people, seeking to bring them to where He wants them to be. But God relies on His human instruments. That is us. If we work for the Kingdom of God in our midst, then the world will be a better place. “I believe I shall see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living.” (Ps 27:13).

     And we must never be discouraged. There will be plenty of disappointments and seeming setbacks, but if we have faith in Jesus and trust in his love for and work in us, then we simply endure and persevere. “Wait for the Lord, take courage; be stouthearted, wait for the Lord!” (Ps 27:14). True warriors never give up.

     Finally, we must be about the work that Jesus has commissioned us to do. It is interesting how the two previously-blind men disobeyed Jesus, who “warned them sternly, ‘See that no one knows about this.’” (Mt 9:30). He said this because his time had not yet come. But what did the two men do? “But they went out and spread word of him through all that land.” (Mt 9:31).

     They were commanded not to spread the news about what he did, but they did so anyway. We are commanded to spread the good news of salvation in him, but many of us do not. The two men could not contain the good news. Their hearts would have burst. Paul says, woe to me if I do not proclaim the gospel. We mustdo the work of evangelization.

     Founded on the Rock that is Christ? Then have faith and spread the faith.

*     *     *


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