Our Theme for 2020 (Part 25): In the Way of John

A Time of Transition



(Part 25)


December 24, 2019

Today’s gospel:  Luke 1:67-79

     We as children of God and disciples of Jesus are destined for greatness, but only if we are built on the Rock that is Christ. God intends to use us to do His divine work. If we allow Him and we strive to be fitting instruments, then we will be great in Him. Such was the case with John the Baptist. What are the basic elements by which we are built on Rock?

     First, we must be holy. We must live our lives “in holiness and righteousness before him all our days.” (v.75). We are set apart as God’s people, and we are to be like Him. We are to avoid sin and wrongdoing. We are to be perfect as God is perfect. We are to be the living stones founded on the Rock. We must live out our commitment to God and “be mindful of his holy covenant” (v.72b). Our covenant is MFC is the way by which we grow in holiness and be firmly built on the Rock that is Christ.

     Second, we must live out our prophetic role in the world. “And you, child, will be called prophet of the Most High, for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways” (v.76). We must speak of and for Jesus. We must proclaim the good news of salvation in him, and help bring people to repentance, that is, turning away from sin and reforming their lives. We are “to give his people knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins” (v.77). 

     In short, we are called to be holy warriors. In doing God’s work, we assault the kingdom of darkness and the dominance of the culture of death in the world. Our work is “to shine on those who sit in darkness and death’s shadow” (v.79a). We help bring people into the light as they receive God’s mercy. People are reconciled and redeemed “because of the tender mercy of our God by which the daybreak from on high will visit us” (v.78).

     As holy warriors, we engage in war in order to bring peace. True peace (shalom) in the world has been elusive, because people are not focused on what is essential. They look to the plight of the poor and unjustly treated and look to social justice to make changes, but in so doing just succeed in focusing on man. And oftentimes end up violating the justice of God. We must focus on Christ and on the work of proclaiming his salvation to the world. It is Jesus who will “guide our feet into the path of peace.” (v.79b).

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