Our Theme for 2020 (Part 27): In the Way of the Holy Family

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(Part 27)


Feast of the Holy Family

December 29, 2019

Today’s readings:

Sirach 3:2-14

Psalm 128:1-5

Colossians 3:12-21

Matthew 2:13-23

     Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family, and know that we too are called to be holy families. As Missionary Families of Christ, we must be built on the Rock that is Christ. We are centered on Christ, and we raise our families according to his ways.

     The family is a creation of God, but today the world is intent on destroying the family. Herod sought to destroy Jesus (Mt 2:13c), and failing that, massacred the infants (Mt 2:16). Today the infants are still being massacred, through abortion and infanticide. But it is worse. These are not just two years old and under, but the unborn and even those newly born. The mothers wept then for their murdered children (Mt 2:18), but today mothers kill their own children and even celebrate what they do.

     Today marriage, children and the family are no longer valued. Just as Christ is no longer valued. And so we are called not just to raise strong Christian families, but to rise in defense of faith, family and life. To be able to do so, we must understand and live out God’s ways.

     First, we must know that we belong to God. We are Missionary Families “of Christ.”We are to “be slaves of the Lord Christ.” (Col 3:24b). We are to be rooted in “the word of Christ” (Col 3:16a). We “do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus” (Col 3:17b). We “let the peace of Christcontrol (our) hearts” (Col 3:15a).

     If we are of Christ, then we strive to take on the way of Christ, which is the way of holiness. This is manifested in Christian virtues. “Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience” (Col 3:12). On top of all these, we must look to forbearance, forgiveness, love, peace, gratitude (Col 3:13-15).

     Second, as the family is the most basic unit of society and the home is the smallest church, we look to renewing and strengthening the family, starting with our own and then reaching out to help others.

     God ordained order in the family, with proper roles and relationships between and among its members. First, as to husband and wife. Wives are to be subordinate to their husbands, and husbands are to love their wives (Col 3:18-19). The husband is the head of the family, standing in the place of God. Then parents and children. Children are to obey their parents (Col 3:20) “for the Lord sets a father in honor over his children and confirms a mother’s authority over her sons.” (Sir 3:2). In turn, parents are to care for their children (Col 3:21). Children, by honoring and respecting their parents, enjoy the blessings from God—atonement for sin, riches in life, joy in their own children, answered prayers, long life (Sir 2:3-6). “In word and deed honor your father, that all blessings may come to you.” (Sir 3:8).

     So we fear God and walk in His ways, so that we will be greatly blessed. “Blessed are all who fear the Lord, and who walk in his ways.” (Ps 128:1). In particular, “your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your home, your children like young olive plants around your table.” (Ps 128:3).

     Finally, it is our mission to help renew and strengthen the family. We want all to be blessed, just as we are, as we all are built on Rock.

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