The year 2025 will be a Jubilee Year in our Church. It has been proclaimed as a Year of Hope. This is particularly relevant in the face of unprecedented troubles in the world today, leaving many people feeling hopeless and helpless. We indeed are pilgrims in the world, just passing through, on our way to our eternal home. But while in this life, we live in a valley of tears. The 2025 Church Jubilee has the theme “Pilgrims of Hope.”

       What are the major troubles of today?

  • There are wars. While there have always been wars in the world, today we face the possibility of a devastating world war, a World War III. This can be triggered by the ongoing conflicts in Palestine (now expanding into Lebanon), in Ukraine, and closer to home for Filipinos, even in Taiwan and the South China Sea. Regional powers are involved, and nuclear powers may be sucked in.
  • The culture of DEATH advances, with abortion and LGBT at the forefront. This is being imposed by Western powers on the rest of the world. As to divorce, it is said that there are only two states in the world where divorce is not legalized—the Philippines and Vatican State; but a divorce bill is advancing in the Philippine legislature.
  • The woke culture, particularly gender ideology and transgenderism, is pushing its insanity on all of us.
  • Christians are more and more being persecuted throughout the world, including in so-called Christian nations. In the USA pro-lifers have been designated by the state as domestic terrorists.
  • Globalist elites are trying to impose a new world order that can enslave people, including pandemic treaties that would mandate lockdowns and violate the sovereignty of nation-states.
  • There are modernists within the Church hierarchy who put forth heretical teachings, and are focused on the city of man rather than the city of God. Many Catholics have fallen away from the authentic faith, and many are confused about what is indeed authentic faith.
  • Satanism has come out in the open.

       There is much more, but the above suffices to show how the world today is deep in the mire of sin and misery. Woe to us all!

       But, as we have seen that God is unchanging, in His love for His creation and His desire to bring people to eternal life with Him in heaven, there certainly is hope! Which brings us to our theme for 2025.



       Our theme verse is Romans 12:12.

“Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, persevere in prayer.”

       Our hope is in Jesus. We must cling to him and put our total trust in him. As prayer is our communication with our Lord, we must persevere in prayer. This puts us in touch with the divine. We are to pray fervently, not just in times of trouble, but at all times.

       We pray all the more because as Jesus has told us, in the world we will have trouble, but he has conquered the world. So we are to take courage. We are to be at peace even in the midst of tribulation. We are to endure in affliction, knowing that we are yoked with Christ, and he is always there for us. He has already shown us the way of the cross.

       As such, we have hope, and with such hope, we can remain joyful. In the midst of troubles, suffering and pain, we rejoice in hope. Our hope is abounding, and so we rejoice in the Lord always. Always and forever!

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[September 26, 2024]


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