THE WAY FORWARD IN CHRIST (Part 192) – Being Missionary Families of Christ – 5

From the Servant General featured image


(Part 192)


February 1, 2021

Today’s gospel:
Mark 5:1-20

Who we are and what we then do is founded on what God has already done for us. We respond to the God who loved us first. So too with us as MFC. We are responding to God’s call, based on what Jesus has done for us and continues to do for us.

In today’s gospel, Jesus heals the Gerasene demoniac. He drives out the unclean spirits possessing the man. What happens is remarkable. There is total transformation, a 180-degree turn. From one living among the tombs, always crying out and bruising himself, now he was “sitting there clothed and in his right mind.” (v.15b).

And so it is with us. We were under the dominion of the evil one but as we accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord, we have been saved. We are now “of Christ.” 

  • Rather than unclean spirits, we have the Spirit of God.
  • Rather than “dwelling among the tombs” (v.3a), amidst death, darkness and decay, we have been brought into the Kingdom of God.
  • Rather than living our lives without restraint, as with the demoniac “no one could restrain him any longer” (v.3b), we subject ourselves to the laws of God.
  • Rather than hurting ourselves though sinful indulgence, like the demoniac “bruising himself with stones” (v.5b), we have learned to love ourselves as God loves us, and to be mindful of our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit.

As we met and were transformed by Jesus, we desire “to remain with him” and go off with him (v.18). While Jesus indeed remains with us, we would not necessarily just go off in his company as he continues his mission. Instead, he gives us a more fundamental mission. After our personal conversion, there is our family and loved ones. So Jesus tells us, “Go home to your family and announce to them all that the Lord in his pity has done for you.” (v.19).

And so it is with us in MFC. We are “families.” We need to look to our most intimate circle, that of spouse and children and siblings. As we have experienced the Lord, we need to bring that conversion and renewal to the family. We need to become “families of Christ.” And so MFC focuses on family renewal and strengthening.

But then, our call goes beyond our own families. We need to reach other individuals and families with the good news of salvation in Jesus. Just like the former demoniac. “Then the man went off and began to proclaim in the Decapolis what Jesus had done for him” (v.20a). What we receive we must give. What God has done for us we must want others to experience as well. 

  • Liberation from the enemy’s dominion.
  • Being unclean to being of sound mind and heart.
  • Not knowing Jesus to living our lives for him.* Doing harm to others (as well as to ourselves) to being an instrument of salvation for them.

And so we in MFC are “missionary.” As we witness to Jesus, as we share our conversion stories, as people hear of the good news of salvation, just as with the demoniac, “all were amazed.” (v.20b).

As MFC we engage in spiritual war, against a very powerful enemy. “Legion is my name. There are many of us.” (v.9b). And many have been enslaved by the enemy. But God is more powerful, and Jesus has already won the victory. Even the evil spirits know this. The demoniac “ran up and prostrated himself before him” (v.6), indicating Jesus’ power over evil spirits. Even the evil spirits acknowledge Jesus as “Son of the Most High God” and able to torment them (v.7).

Onward, holy warriors!


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