(Part 193)
April 6, 2021
Today’s gospel:
Acts 2:36-41
Psalm 33:4-22
John 20:11-18
“Mary of Magdala went and announced to the disciples, ‘I have seen the Lord,’ and what he told her.” (Jn 20:18). This is the essence of being a witness of and to Jesus. One, that we have seen the Lord, that is, that we know him and what he has done. Two, that we tell people what he has done and what he has taught us.
Peter then preached at Pentecost and witnessed about Jesus, “that God has made him both Lord and Messiah” (Acts 2:36). The Messiah is the anticipated Savior of the Jews. Thus to be a witness is to speak about Jesus as Savior and as Master. Jesus has redeemed us, and thus our lives belong to him, and we are to serve him as his people. We witness about what God has done, and what we in turn are to do. And what is that? What is the hoped-for response to witnessing about Jesus? “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:38). The fruit of witnessing, of preaching the gospel, is repentance, forgiveness of sin, and infilling with the Holy Spirit.
And the ultimate fruit is salvation. When people accept Jesus as Savior and Lord, God will “deliver their soul from death” (Ps 33:19a). Deliverance from sin, evil, darkness and death is the most basic. And while ultimately salvation is about making it to heaven, it is also experienced in the here and now. If people put their faith in Jesus, then “blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Ps 33:12a).
And so “let all the earth fear the Lord, let all who dwell in the world show him reverence.” (Ps 33:8). But this can only happen if those who are God’s people now witness to Jesus, being his instruments to the ends of the earth, and striving to make disciples of all nations.