THE WAY FORWARD IN CHRIST (Part 205) – Remaining Catholic

From the Servant General featured image


(Part 204)


April 24, 2021

Today’s readings:
Acts 9:31-42
Psalm 116:12-17
John 6:60-69

The early Church was strong and vibrant. “It was being built up and walked in the fear of the Lord, and with the consolation of the holy Spirit it grew in numbers.” (Acts 9:31b). Today our Church is greatly challenged and grows weak. Many Catholics are malformed and no longer live in awe of and reverence for God. Many are not living under the guidance and strength of the Holy Spirit. There is even the enemy within. And we lose Catholics by the day.

Why do Catholics leave the Church?

  • There are those who cannot accept what she teaches. “This saying is hard; who can accept it?” (Jn 6:60).
  • Some Catholics cannot accept the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, and when anti-Catholics tell them that it is only bread and wine, they believe.
  • Some Catholics do not accept the Church’s teaching on the evil of abortion and LGBT, as well as the whole culture of DEATH. Some may not actually physically leave the Church, but by their dissent have already left the Church.
  • Some Catholics do not accept the indissolubility of sacramental marriage, and when their marriage breaks down, they leave their spouse and wanting to marry again, they do this outside of the Church.
  • There are those who are scandalized by the sinful lifestyle of clerics and even some in the hierarchy.
  • There are those who are poorly catechized and are easy prey for sects and cults.
  • There are those who choose the enticements of the world and the desires of the flesh rather than living the holiness of God. 
  • There are those who have become modernist, looking to the well-being of man rather than the righteousness of God, thus to the natural rather than the supernatural. They, including some clerics, have lost sight of what Jesus has said, “It is the spirit that gives life, while the flesh is of no avail. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.” (Jn 6:63).

But it ought not be an option to leave the one true Church, where we can experience the fullness of salvation in Jesus, including the great blessing of the Eucharist. Many left Jesus because of his teaching, but Peter rightly said, “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” (Jn 6:68).

What can help a Catholic persevere in his Christian faith and remain as a member of the Catholic Church? It happens as one becomes an authentic Christian, knowing Christ and his call to be part of his one body on earth.

One must first of all be thankful for his faith as a Christian. In the midst of difficulties, suffering, pain and even disappointment with others, we look to the One who does not disappoint and who has blessed us tremendously. “How can I repay the Lord for all the great good done for me?” (Ps 116:12). Count your blessings, and know where they have come from. Look to the fullness of Christ, and not to the shortcomings of those in his Church.

Second, having found our Savior and Lord, one must resolve to follow Jesus completely. One must understand the call to discipleship, and the command to become instruments of God’s salvation. “Lord, I am your servant” (Ps 116:16a). One must realize that one of God’s great blessings upon us is to be given the privilege of serving Him by being instruments of His salvation. 

Third, one must actually go and participate in the work of proclaiming Christ and salvation in him to others. “I will raise the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord.” (Ps 116:13), knowing that the one who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

Therefore we meet Christ and know him as the source of so many blessings, we live Christ as his servant and disciple, and we share Christ and his salvation to others.

May all Catholics, and those who would meet Christ through our work, affirm, “We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God.” (Jn 6:69).


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