The Way Forward In Christ (Part 206) – Hearing and Doing

From the Servant General featured image


(Part 206)


June 6, 2021

Today’s readings:
Exodus 24:3-8
Mark 14:12-26

Today, with Jesus already having won salvation for the world, there is so much darkness and evil, even among the people of God themselves. Why is that? What is the way out and back into God’s graces? We should do what the people of God said when they ratified the covenant with God: “All that the Lord has said, we will hear and do.” (Ex 24:7).

Unfortunately today, there are many who do not hear God’s words.

  • They do not read the Bible and so do not know what God’s commands and ways are.
  • They are not being adequately taught by pastors in the Church, and today may even be led astray by pastors themselves who teach wrong doctrine.

Further, there are those who hear and know but do not do.

  • There are the lapsed Catholics, who have chosen to heed the world more than the word.
  • There are the social justice Catholics, who are focused more on issues such as immigration and climate change but neglect more important issues such as abortion and LGBT.

For those who hear and know God’s words but do not observe them, they have betrayed Jesus himself. They are supposed to be disciples but do not do the will of the Master. They would be like Judas, of whom Jesus said, “Amen, I say to you, one of you will betray me, one who is eating with me.” (Mk 14:18). While there are many such betrayers among Christians today, it is much worse in the case of pastors. How do pastors betray Jesus?

  • When they are into modernism and teach what is heretical.
  • When homosexualist clerics preside at the table of the Lord in the Eucharist, and even give Holy Communion to active homosexuals.
  • When hierarchs do not speak out against the great evils of abortion and LGBT, or worse, approve of such abominations as same-sex unions.

The people of God need to go back to the very basic and affirm, “We will do everything that the Lord has told us.” (Ex 24:3).


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