(Part 24)
May 30, 2021
Today’s gospel:
Matthew 28:16-20
Jesus came into the world in order to win salvation for all. Then he commanded his disciples to proclaim this good news to all and thus be instruments of salvation. When people listen and act on this by putting their faith in Jesus and being incorporated in his Church, then they are saved. Thus the work of evangelization is of crucial importance, as proclamation ultimately leads to salvation. This is the very work Jesus commissioned his disciples to do, as he said to them, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” (v.19-20a).
Are the disciples of Jesus doing this today? Some are, but there is no concerted effort. Many Catholics are not even aware that they should be God’s instruments of salvation. The Church herself has somewhat lost sight of her missionary mandate, but rather focus on many other things such as social justice issues. There are even hierarchs who dissuade Catholics from proselytizing, that is, making converts. But Jesus commands his people to baptize in the name of the Triune God, and that results in incorporation into the Church.
How does the Church today fail in making disciples?
- When it is taught that all religions are valid and willed by God and are ways to the divine. The truth is that there is only one true faith, which is Christianity, and there is only one true Church, which is the Catholic Church.
- When the focus in on ecumenism, which if it looks to Christian unity is good, but is today focused on not converting non-Catholics to the fullness of the Christian faith as expressed in the Catholic Church. In fact, today there is a growing movement towards inter-Communion, even giving Holy Communion to those who do not believe in the Real Presence.
- When the focus is on interreligious dialogue, which if it looks to respect among peoples and peace in the world is good, but today looks to just acceptance of all religions, and even having a common prayer to an Almighty. Can Catholics share a common prayer with Hindus who worship many false gods?
And today the Church is failing to teach people to observe all that Jesus has commanded, Including the age-old teachings of the Church which he founded. How?
- When prominent Catholics who claim to be devout but are rabidly pro-abortion are not corrected, and more so, not prohibited from receiving Holy Communion. In fact, they should be excommunicated!
- When clerics and prelates not only do not speak out against homosexuality but actually condone it, giving Communion to active homosexuals and celebrating LGBT Masses and displaying Pride flags prominently at the altar.
- When bishops put issues of morality (as in cases of abortion and LGBT) on the same level as social justice issues (such as immigration and climate change), and worse, when they support and help elect politicians who are pro-abortion but who share their views on climate.
- When clerics insist on blessing same-sex unions, even in the face of the Vatican’s clear directive on not blessing what is evil.
All the above are a sorry situation for the life and mission of our Church. They are a repudiation of Jesus’ great commission. They result in further weakening of our Church, which continues to lose Catholics by the day (as against the early Church that added to their number each and every day).
For us in MFC, we must see what is wrong teaching, even coming from the highest authorities in our Church, and reject these. We continue to do the work of evangelization, and we continue to help form disciples with authentic Church teachings.