(Part 25)
June 8, 2021
Today’s gospel:
Matthew 5:13-16
Jesus says, “if salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned?” (v.13b). Salt is seasoning; it provides taste to a dish. A dish may be tasteless, but if seasoned, will be tasty. But if the seasoning itself loses its taste, or its property to provide taste, then that is it. Nothing more can be done. And so “it is no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.” (v.13c).
God intends His people to be the salt of the earth. “You are the salt of the earth.” (v.13a). This is our calling, our vocation. Whatever career of profession we undertake, as Christians we are to bring God’s flavor into the world, and we are to be instruments of salvation, just like the salt’s work of preservation. If not, we are useless to God.
Then Jesus also says, “You are the light of the world.” (v.14a). Light dispels darkness. The world is in deep darkness, and it is the task of Christians to bring God’s light. “Just so, your light must shine before others” (v.16a). What does this light consist of? The light is manifested in “your good deeds” which result in people glorifying God (v.16b).
Unfortunately, in the lives of many Christians, this is not what is happening. In fact, oftentimes it is the opposite.
- Instead of being salt in the world, many Christians have been co-opted by the world and have taken on the culture of the age. They are indistinguishable from pagans.
- Many Christians have embraced the culture of DEATH.
- Many Christians just live for themselves and have no good deeds to show to others.
- Some Christians strive to live Christian lives, but do not share their faith.
- Some Catholic pastors and leaders teach what is modernist and heterodox and thus in effect lead people deeper into darkness.
All the above are not in accordance with God’s call to us. We must know what it means to be salt and light, and to live and work accordingly. Then our light is to shine not only “to all in the house” (v.15c) but to the ends of the earth.