(Part 7)
October 15, 2020
Today’s psalm: Psalm 98:1-6
We are sent to the ends of the earth as light to the world and to be an instrument of God’s salvation. The ultimate goal of God is that “all the ends of the earth have seen the victory of our God.” (v.3b).
When we speak of victory, we speak of war. When we proclaim God’s salvation to the world, then we engage the forces of the enemy and thus engage in spiritual war. On our own we cannot prevail against a powerful enemy. But we are doing God’s work, and so we are empowered by God. He Himself is engaged in the war. And He is all-powerful. Thus, “His right hand and holy arm have won the victory.” (v.1b)
So we go forth with confidence. Our God is with us. Our God empowers us. Our God fights our battles. We can go to all the nations, confident of God’s victory. “The Lord has made his victory known; has revealed his triumph in the sight of the nations” (v.2).
Our divine work is all about God’s mercy and faithfulness. God is merciful to people and do not want any to be lost. God is faithful to His chosen ones and remain steadfast in His care for them. “He has remembered his mercy and faithfulness toward the house of Israel.” (v.3a). The combination of God’s mercy for the world and God’s faithfulness to His chosen servants and witnesses result in the effective proclamation of the gospel to the ends of the earth.
For this, we “sing a new song to the Lord, for he has done marvelous deeds.” (v.1a). And as we reach all nations to the ends of the earth, all peoples too can rejoice in God’s salvation. “Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth” (v.4a).
1 Acts 13:47.