(Part 1)
September 5, 2021
We have experienced and do accept that we are blessed tremendously by our God, especially as we are striving to live our lives in Him and as we serve Him, particularly with regard to His divine mission. The past 40 years has been proof of this.
At the same time, we do know that there have been a lot of challenges, heartbreaks, obstacles, oppression, suffering and pain. But then …. even those are part of the blessings!
And so for our theme for the year 2022, in the face of an ongoing pandemic and a world still spiraling into deeper darkness and sin, we proclaim to the world that we are BLESSED BEYOND BOUNDS.
As we are blessed beyond bounds, we must be constantly focused on Jesus, 24/7. If we are to continue to be blessed beyond bounds, we must remain in him, in every circumstance of our lives. Jesus is our all. And so we have taken the following as our theme verse: “Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18a).
God’s blessings are beyond bounds. Our positive responses are beyond bounds as well, as we look to the Lord. Always. Without ceasing. In all circumstances.
“Beyond bounds” also points to our determination to do God’s work, despite any obstacles, of which there are many. We will not be deterred by the ongoing pandemic, by our physical movements being hindered, by mission travel curtailed. We can and will still do our work of evangelization, worldwide. To be beyond bounds is to be beyond borders, as we do our e-vangelization.
Further, “beyond bounds” stress to us our continuing understanding of lay empowerment, and how God desires to use laypeople in furthering His work, how in fact God depends on laypeople to do so. The harvest is rich but the laborers are few. We are not bound by old ways of thinking about the role of the laity. We are not just to animate the temporal order but are to fully participate in the ministry of Jesus as priest, prophet and king. We are to actively engage in the spiritual life of our Church, and look to helping restore our Church to missionary mode. We are to defend faith, family and life against the enemy that is already within.
There is much work to be done. We are blessed and privileged to be called by God to do His work. In our life in Him, we are truly blessed beyond bounds.